The plant known to us by the names boganga, bogangueira, and abóbora de Tenerife is the Curcubita ficifolia, originating from China. Its fruits (bogangas) are used for soup and to make the sweet known as chila, which only includes the filaments or funiculus of perfectly ripe seeds. The plant known in Portugal by the name moganga is, according to Brotero, a variety of Cucurbita Pepo, a species represented in Madeira by the pumpkin tree that produces the abóbora machado, so it is a mistake to give that name to the Madeiran boganga. According to Mr. Pereira Coutinho, it is called chila caioto or abóbora chila in Portugal. The weak white wine produced on the north coast of the island is known by the name bogangueira.