Juízes de Direito
There have been judges in Madeira since October 15, 1835, the day when the judicial reform decreed on May 16, 1832, came into effect on this island, and from then until 1876, that is, while the western and eastern districts (originally judged) were in operation here, the following magistrates came to Funchal, many of whom served in both districts:
Domingos Olavo Correia de Azevedo (1835), José Pereira Leite Pita Ortigueira Negrão (1835), Francisco Jerónimo Coelho de Sousa (1838), Francisco Leite Pereira da Costa Bernardes (1846), D. João Correia Portugal da Silveira (1847), José Afonso Botelha (1849), Antonio Magalhães Mexia Baião de Lança Salema (1852), José Pereira Sanches de Castro (1855), Augusto das Neves Sousa Pimenta (1861), Caetano José Gomes Monteiro (1862), Antonio Bernardo de Amorim de Guerra Quaresma (1863), Francisco José Monteiro Tavares (1869), Cassiano Sepulveda Teixeira (1869), and Francisco Antonio da Silva Seide.
The current district of Funchal was established on November 16, 1876, with Tertuliano Ciriaco Alves de Araújo assuming the functions of judge. Took office on March 3, 1881. Joaquim Simões Cantante. Took office on February 12, 1893. Fernando Augusto Crisóstomo de Gouveia. Took office on March 29, 1899. Francisco Nunes da Costa Torres. Took office on November 27, 1919. Arnaldo Fragateiro Pinho Branco. Took office on March 27, 1922. Albino Antonio de Almeida Matos, 1923. Felix José da Costa Soto Maior, 1924. Joaquim Crisóstomo da Silveira Júnior, 1925.
As mentioned in the article Funchal (district of), an additional court was added to the district of the district capital, resulting in two courts with their own magistrates. These positions were held by Drs. Joaquim Crisóstomo da Silveira Júnior (1925), Albano de Gusmão Tavares do Canto Taveira (1929), Pedro de Melo Coutinho de Albuquerque (1929), Luis Afonso Viana de Lemos (1932), Augusto Simões Cantante (1935), Antonio Magalhães Barros Araújo Queirós, viscount of Cortegaça (1935), Tomás Antonio Bandeira da Gama Pessanha Faria Coutinho Vilhegas do Casal (1938), José Ferreira Machado (1939), and José Pinto Magalhães (1940).
See the article Judicial Administration (1-16 and following) and the book 'The Archipelago of Madeira in Portuguese Legislation' by Father Fernando Augusto da Silva.