
France (Anatole)

It has been mentioned in this Elucidario (I-66) that the eminent French writer Anatole France passed through Madeira on his way to the Republic of Argentina in 1909, accompanied by his private secretary and fellow man of letters, Jean Jacques Brousson. In 1927, the latter published a book entitled 'Itinerário de Paris a Buenos Aires,' in which he discusses their stopover on this island, giving free rein to his most ardent imagination and attributing to Anatole France ideas and opinions about what this writer saw and heard in Funchal, which are very far from the truth and must be pure inventions of his imaginative secretary. In this regard, it is interesting to read the article in the Diário de Notícias of Funchal, dated June 23, 1929.

People mentioned in this article

Anatole France
French writer

Years mentioned in this article

Passage of Anatole France in Madeira