

Three trees of the Salicaceae family are designated by this name in Madeira: Populus alba, with white-tomentose leaves on the lower side, often palmately lobed; P. nigra var. italica, with a pyramidal crown and triangular-ovate leaves; and P. monilifera, with a broad crown and leaves similar to those of the previous species. The first, originating from Europe, is common in Ribeira Brava, Machico, etc.; the second, originating from the East, is also called poplar and is found in Camacha; the third, originating from North America, is cultivated in some squares and estates and is a good shade tree. Poplars multiply easily from cuttings, and their wood has various applications.

Locations mentioned in this article

Locality on the Island of Madeira.
Locality on the Island of Madeira.
Ribeira Brava
Locality on the Island of Madeira.