
Bamboo / Bambus

The following species belonging to the Gramineae family are known by this designation: Bambusa arundinacea, B. nana, B. mitis Phyllostachys nigra, Arundinaria falcata, and A. metake. The first is recognized by its thick and tall stems, sometimes used for fishing rods; the second, extremely common in farms and gardens, by its lanceolate leaves, somewhat glaucous; the third by its green and striped leaves; the fourth by its black stems; the fifth by its stems with elongated branches, with linear lanceolate leaves, very sharp; and the sixth by its lanceolate, dark green leaves, with very sharp tips.

Bamboos, mostly originating from India, China, or Japan, are very ornamental and are often used as hedges within farms. Bambusa nana (B. viridi glaucescens) provides good fishing rods.