
Azurara (Gomes Eanes de)

This distinguished chronicler of the 15th century, in his Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, focused on the discovery of the Madeira archipelago. He was almost contemporary with the events he narrated, interacted with people who lived through those events, and had at his disposal the documents that could enable him to write the history with complete truth and direct knowledge of the facts. Therefore, his testimony has great value and indisputable authority when narrating the events he covered in his Chronicle. The circumstances of the discovery of Madeira that he, albeit briefly, described, provide the conscientious researcher with more reliable elements for the reconstruction of the historical truth of this very interesting and crucial point in the discovery of our archipelago. In this regard, see Note III to Saudades da Terra. The Chronicle of Guinea remained unpublished for about four hundred years, being published in Paris in 1841 by Viscount de Santarém.

People mentioned in this article

Gomes Eanes de Azurara
15th-century chronicler, author of the Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea

Years mentioned in this article

Publication of the Chronicle of Guinea in Paris by Viscount de Santarém