Voto à Santíssima Virgem
The great flood of October 9, 1803, considered the greatest calamity that has befallen Madeira and about which we have already given a summary (I-54 and following), determined the 'vow', a solemn act to place this island and the city of Funchal under the special protection of the Blessed Virgin, as mentioned in the article Padroeiros (III- 36 and following). It is important to add that this 'vow' particularly included the clause to choose Our Lady of Monte as the special protector of the city of Funchal, which was confirmed by the Apostolic Rescript of Pius VII, dated July 21, 1804. The feast of the Patronage of Our Lady of Monte was then instituted, celebrated on October 9 of each year, with a solemn procession from the Cathedral to the parish church of Santa Maria Maior. October ninth was once a holy day of obligation, preceded by its own vigil with fasting.