
Forestry Services / Serviços Florestais

Since 1897, a department led by a forest warden has been responsible for some plantations of exotic trees in Porto Santo and for promoting the planting of maritime pine in the mountainous region of Madeira. However, no attention has been given to the conservation and propagation of indigenous trees, and it is possible that many of these trees may soon disappear due to the constant devastation caused by loggers, charcoal burners, and livestock (1921). By the decree of April 3, 1922, the forest police services that belonged to the extinct Agricultural Board were provisionally placed under the agricultural station of the 9th Region. Law no. 26 of July 9, 1913, created four forestry sections, which were divided into zones, with Funchal being part of the fourth section, headquartered in Lisbon. The decree of May 8, 1918, established eight forestry districts, with Funchal included in the sixth district, headquartered in Lisbon, and eighteen forest regencies, with Funchal being number 18.

Years mentioned in this article

Devastation of indigenous trees