Agricultural Services / Serviços Agrícolas
The agricultural services of Madeira were reorganized by Decree No. 8089 of April 30, 1922, which divided them, in the agricultural station of the 9th Region, into three groups, namely: the group of physical-chemical and technological services, the group of cultural and biological-agricultural services, and the group of services for the sugar, alcohol, and brandy regime. The head of the agricultural station, who also directs one of the service groups, is an agricultural engineer, and the directors of the other two service groups are also agricultural engineers.
In addition to the three agricultural engineers, the station should have two agricultural regents, an analyst, and a preparer, so it is not for lack of technical personnel that Madeiran agriculture will fail to prosper. The agricultural station has autonomous administration in accordance with the decrees with the force of law of May 16, 1911, and December 14, 1912.
The decree of April 3, 1922 maintained and placed under the dependence of the agricultural station of the 9th Region, the following four experimental stations, created by the extinct Agricultural Board: Louros and Ribeira Brava stations, in the lowland area of the island; Santo da Serra station, in the middle area; and Paul da Serra station, in the highland area.
The agricultural station of the 9th Region is subordinate to the General Directorate of Agricultural Services.