
Administrative Auditor / Auditor Administrativo

The positions of Administrative Auditors were created by the codes of 1895 and 1896, which reestablished the special administrative litigation courts of first instance.

The District Commission, which was one of these courts, ceased to exist in this capacity in the District of Funchal due to the Decree of August 8, 1901, which applied to the same District the special organization allowed for the Azorean districts. However, the Judges and the Auditor remained, and this magistrate now has not only the attributions conferred by the 1895 code and the 1896 code, but also the contentious and consultative attributions that belonged to the said Commission, now extinct, according to the two aforementioned codes.

The laws of August 7, 1913, and June 23, 1916, did not alter the competence and attributions of the administrative courts to which we refer.

The general secretary performs the functions of the public ministry alongside the administrative auditor.

District Commission and Administrative Court.