Porto Santo (Orography) / Porto Santo (Orografia)
This island, considered relatively small in area, has a mountainous appearance and is formed by quite rugged terrain, with Pico do Castelo, an elevation of 440 meters above sea level, as we have already mentioned on page 259 of volume I of this work.
The main prominences found in the island's mountain range are known by the generic name of peaks: Ninho do Guincho, Branco (423m), Concelho, Maçaricos, de Baixo, Juliana (455m), Facho (509m), Atalaia or Gandaia (492m), Castelo, Monte Vidio, Ana Ferreira, Facho da Malhada (265m), and Calhau da Malhada (182m).
Despite the pronounced relief of its surface, two small plains stand out and should be mentioned: the Vila and Areias.
The main points or protrusions of the coastline are Cruz or Santa Cruz, Ninho do Guincho, Branca or Nordeste, Frades, Incão, Calheta, Malhada, Furado, Varadouros, and Fonte da Areia.