Garajau (Cabo)
Referring to the discovery of this island and the first exploration along the coast, Gaspar Frutuoso says the following: 'Arriving at a high and large point, where the land was thick and steep towards the sea, they found so many garajáos (sea birds), which without any fear settled on their heads and on the oars, that they took them by hand, with which they were very pleased and made a great feast. And for this reason, the name of Ponta do Garajao remained...' This point constitutes the easternmost end of the bay of Funchal, and when crossing it in an east-west direction, the enchanting panorama of the city climbing amphitheatrically up the green slopes appears as a surprise, giving the whole a most wonderful stretch of landscape that a traveler can eagerly await... Ponta do Garajau rises 126 meters above sea level. At one of its highest points, about 120 meters above sea level and still within the limits of the property owned by Counselor Aires de Ornelas in the parish of Caniço, this distinguished Madeiran had a large statue dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus erected in 1927, which boats can see from a great distance when heading to the port of Funchal. It is interesting to read the series of articles that the distinguished naturalist Adolfo de Noronha published in the Diario de Noticias of Funchal in December 1927 about this bird and the point of the coastline that he named. See Cabos.