
Cintra (Diogo Gomes de)

This 15th-century Portuguese navigator wrote a narrative of his voyages in Latin, in which he refers to the discovery of the Madeiran archipelago. It is interesting to read what is found on page 905 of the "Saudades da Terra" (Longing for the Land) on this subject. The narrative of Diogo Gomes was translated by Gabriel Pereira and published in the “Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa” (Bulletin of the Society of Geography of Lisbon), in issue no. 5 of series 170, for the years 1898 and 1899.

People mentioned in this article

Diogo Gomes
15th-century Portuguese navigator

Years mentioned in this article

Publication of the narrative of Diogo Gomes
Publication of the narrative of Diogo Gomes