
Castelo-Melhor (Count of) / Castelo-Melhor (Conde de)

This title was granted by Philip II to Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos on March 21, 1611. Simão Gonçalves da Camara, the 71st captain-donatary of Funchal, married a daughter of the aforementioned count, named D. Maria de Vasconcelos, from whom he had João Gonçalves da Camara, the 81st captain-donatary, and D. Mariana de Alencastre. The latter inherited the captaincy from her brother, who died without descendants, but was married to D. Inês de Meneses. D. Mariana de Alencastre, the 9th donatary, married the 2nd Count of Castelo-Melhor, João Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, son of Luiz de Sousa e Vasconcelos and D. Maria de Sousa, thus passing the captaincy into the possession of the counts and later the marquises of Castelo-Melhor, who retained it until it was extinguished.

People mentioned in this article

Philip II
Granted the title of Count of Castelo-Melhor to Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos
Simão Gonçalves da Camara
71st captain-donatary of Funchal

Years mentioned in this article

Granting of the title of Count of Castelo-Melhor to Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos