Câmara (D. Mariana de Alencastre e)
She was also known as D. Mariana de Vasconcelos e Camara Alencastre, and was the daughter of Simão Gonçalves da Camara, 3rd Count of Calheta and 7th captain-donor of Funchal. Having her brother João Gonçalves da Câmara, 8th donor, died without descendants, D. Mariana de Alencastre succeeded in the house of the county of Calheta, being considered the 9th donor of Funchal. She was the lady-in-waiting of Queen D. Maria Francisca de Sabóia, and an ancient manuscript says that she was fierce in defending and supporting the natives of the island, treating everyone with special love. She died on April 15, 1689.