
Buxo da Rocha

The people of Madeira give this name to the Catha Dryandri, a shrub of the Celastraceae family, and to the Chamaemeles coriácea, a shrub of the Rosaceae family. The first of these shrubs can be found in S. Gonçalo, Seixal, etc.; the second near the Câmara Pestana Asylum, in Praia Formosa, etc.

Locations mentioned in this article

Câmara Pestana Asylum
Location where the shrub Chamaemeles coriácea can be found
Praia Formosa
Location where the shrub Chamaemeles coriácea can be found
S. Gonçalo
Location where the shrub Catha Dryandri can be found
Location where the shrub Catha Dryandri can be found