

The surname Brito or Brito de Oliveira was introduced to this island by Pedro de Brito de Oliveira Pestana, who settled in Madeira with his brother João Mendo or Mendes de Brito towards the end of the third quarter of the 15th century. Both are founders of entailed institutions. According to Henriques de Noronha, the arms of this family are: on a red field, nine lozenges in three pales and a purple lion in each, with a crest of a lion from the arms with lozenges of silver.

People mentioned in this article

João Mendo ou Mendes de Brito
Pedro de Brito de Oliveira Pestana

Years mentioned in this article

Século XV
Pedro de Brito de Oliveira Pestana and João Mendo or Mendes de Brito settled in Madeira.