Beneden (Baron Charles Van) / Beneden (Barão Charles Van)
This Belgian subject has long established residence in this archipelago, having resided for many years at the Quinta dos Cedros in Santo Antonio, and lately on the island of Porto Santo. Considered a distinguished writer in his country, he already had a remarkable literary baggage. Among the works that may interest the people of Madeira is the work entitled Au Nord Ouest de l'Afrique/Madère, les iles Canaries, le Maroc, published in Brussels in 1882. In the Belgian magazine La Jeune Wallonie, he published the interesting narrative Voyage aux iles Salvages, which occupies 50 pages of the same magazine and is accompanied by excellent engravings. Some claim that in the comedies of this author Les Titularisés and Le Mariagicide, several characters embody some well-known individuals in Funchal society. He was born in Belgium on July 4, 1854, and passed away in the same country in December 1929.