
Batista (Fr. Gregorio)

Native of Funchal and it is conjectured that he was born in the last quarter of the 16th century. He was a religious of the Seraphic Order and belonged to the province of Catalonia. Years later, he entered the Benedictine order, in a convent in the city of Bahia, later returning to the Order of St. Francis, which he had originally embraced. In this last order, he held important positions, such as Scripture lecturer, examiner of the military orders, and others. He published several sermons, which were translated into Spanish and Italian, demonstrating their value. Some are listed in the Bibliographic Dictionary of Inocencio. This work also mentions the book by this author Completas da Vida de Cristo..., published in 1623. The Bibliotheca Lusitana cites two of his works written in Latin, published in 1621 and 1638. He died after the year 1640. Nothing more is known about this Madeiran, who seems to have been a man of unquestionable merit.

People mentioned in this article

Fr. Gregorio Batista
Religious of the Seraphic and Benedictine orders

Years mentioned in this article

Conjecture of the birth of Fr. Gregorio Batista