
Azevinho (Ilex canariensis)

Indigenous shrub or small tree of the Aquifoliaceae family, found in the Ribeiras de João Gomes and Machico, in Ribeiro Frio, etc. It has glabrous, unarmed, or spiny leaves, white flowers grouped in axillary cymes, and globular, red fruits. The wood of this species is white and used in some small mercenary works. During the Christmas festivities, it is customary to decorate nativity scenes with branches of holly adorned with fruits.

Locations mentioned in this article

Locality where the holly (Ilex canariensis) is found.
Ribeiras de João Gomes
Locality where the holly (Ilex canariensis) is found.
Ribeiro Frio
Locality where the holly (Ilex canariensis) is found.