
Vigário Geral

Despite the creation of the diocese of Funchal dating back to 1514, the position of vicar general of the bishopric was only created in 1570, with the royal decree of D. Sebastião, dated August 30 of that year, authorizing the bishop D. Jorge de Lemos to establish that ecclesiastical position, to which the same diploma sets the annual salary at fifty thousand reis.

People mentioned in this article

D. Jorge de Lemos
Established the position of vicar general of the bishopric
D. Sebastião
Authorized the bishop D. Jorge de Lemos to establish the position of vicar general of the bishopric

Years mentioned in this article

Date of the creation of the diocese of Funchal
Date of the creation of the position of vicar general of the bishopric

Locations mentioned in this article

Place where the position of vicar general of the bishopric was created