
Acciaioly (Zenobio)

He was the son of Simão Acciaioly, the first to come to this island using that surname. Gaspar Frutuoso, referring to Rua Direita, which then extended along the bank of the Santa Luzia stream, perhaps as far as the current Torreão bridge, says 'the generous and wealthy Zenobio Acciaioly had a sugar mill there'. Was this Zenobio the same Zenobio, son of Simão Acciaioly, or another? We do not know. The current Betencourt street and a small part of Ferreiros street, which was adjacent to it, were once named Acciaioly, and it is presumed that near them and on the banks of the stream, there were the Acciaioly family's mills.

People mentioned in this article

Simão Acciaioly
Father of Zenobio Acciaioly.

Locations mentioned in this article

Rua Direita
Former street that extended along the bank of the Santa Luzia stream.