
Soares (D. Laura Veridiana de Castro e Almeida)

She is married to Feliciano Soares, a well-known literary figure from Portugal, and was born in Funchal on November 7, 1870, the daughter of D. Francisco de Castro e Almeida Pimentel de Sequeira e Abreu and D. Maria Antonia de Bettencourt Pestana de Castro. She published a book titled 'Em casa da avó – Na Ilha da Madeira' (Lisbon, 1923) under the pseudonym D. Maria Francisca Teresa, and translated from English 'A Cidade Eterna' and 'O Apóstolo' by Hall Caine. From a very young age, she showed a determined vocation for study and is one of the Madeiran ladies who has distinguished herself the most in the cultivation of literature.

People mentioned in this article

Feliciano Soares
Well-known literary figure from Portugal