
Sequeira (Dr. Mauricio Augusto de)

He was born in Funchal on July 17, 1845, and passed away in this city on October 31, 1911. He was a bachelor graduated in philosophy and medicine from the University of Coimbra and practiced medicine in Funchal. He also taught at the former Medical-Surgical School and the subjects of physics, chemistry, and natural history at our high school. He wrote a compendium of physics for use in secondary institutes, which he did not manage to publish, we believe, because he lost his sight a few years before his death and abandoned scientific studies from then on. See Mouraria.

People mentioned in this article

Dr. Mauricio Augusto de Sequeira
Bachelor graduated in philosophy and medicine.

Years mentioned in this article

Year of birth.
Year of death.

Locations mentioned in this article

Place of birth and death.