

The family name Sauvaire, according to the annotator of the 'Saudades', originated from Honorato Sauvaire, a native of Marseille, who came to the island of Madeira as the French consul around 1660. The Açoreana Library states that in the work 'Description Nautique des Açores', by Charles Philipe de Kerhallet and published in Paris in 1865, there is a mention of a 'Letter of April 2, 1721 about the volcanic island that appeared near S. Miguel, recognized by the commander of the English corvette Richard and Izabel, by Sauvaire, the French consul general in Madeira.

People mentioned in this article

Honorato Sauvaire
Consul of France in Madeira

Years mentioned in this article

Arrival of Honorato Sauvaire in Madeira
Letter about the volcanic island near S. Miguel

Locations mentioned in this article

Place of origin of Honorato Sauvaire
S. Miguel
Volcanic island mentioned in the letter of April 2, 1721