
São Pedro (Chapel of) / São Pedro (Capela de)

At the western end of the south coast of Porto Santo Island, there is a small chapel dedicated to São Pedro, which had an attached small pilgrim's house. The annual feast of the patron saint is celebrated there with a large attendance of the inhabitants of that island.

In the parish of Santa Cruz, to the west of the town and by the roadside, stands the chapel of São Pedro, established by João Escorcio Drumond. Destroyed by the flood of 1803, it was rebuilt by the people a few years later.

In the vicinity of the parish church of São Jorge, there is a chapel dedicated to São Pedro. In ruins, it was restored by the prelate D. Manuel Agostinho Barreto in 1901, being blessed and restored to worship by him on August 7 of the same year.

In the parish of Porto Moniz, in the place called Terra de São Pedro, there was a small hermitage with the invocation of São Pedro, of which no traces remain.

In the place of Lamaceiros in the same parish, there is a chapel consecrated to São Pedro, to which the image of the Saint from the other chapel of the same invocation was transported. It is not of recent construction, as it was already in an advanced state of ruin in 1726. It was conveniently repaired a few years later by the efforts of Manuel Rodrigues Amarelo. The earthquake of 1748 caused several damages, which were promptly repaired. Important works were carried out in it just a few years ago. In this chapel, there is an image of Nossa Senhora do Monte, which is highly venerated.

The Blessed Sacrament is always kept in this chapel, and the doors of the small temple are open daily and throughout the day for those who wish to visit (1921).

People mentioned in this article

D. Manuel Agostinho Barreto
Prelate responsible for the restoration of the chapel of São Pedro in the parish of São Jorge
João Escorcio Drumond
Founder of the chapel of São Pedro in the parish of Santa Cruz
Manuel Rodrigues Amarelo
Responsible for the repair of the chapel of São Pedro in Lamaceiros

Years mentioned in this article

Year in which the chapel of São Pedro in Lamaceiros was in an advanced state of ruin
Year of the earthquake that caused damages to the chapel of São Pedro in Lamaceiros
Flood that destroyed the chapel of São Pedro in the parish of Santa Cruz
Year of the restoration of the chapel of São Pedro in the parish of São Jorge

Locations mentioned in this article

Lamaceiros site
Porto Moniz
Porto Moniz parish
Porto Santo
Porto Santo Island
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz parish
São Jorge
São Jorge parish