Sanitation / Saneamento
In the city of Funchal, particularly with regard to the supply of drinking water and sewage system, it was only in the last quarter of the past century that it truly received the attention it urgently demanded from the respective municipal authorities. A decree on March 22, 1897, tasked the Directorate of District Public Works with conducting the necessary studies for the supply of drinking water and sewage system, and the law of September 16 of the same year authorized the government to support the respective constructions. These two studies were carried out by the distinguished engineers Adriano Trigo and Animal Trigo, earning praise and full approval from the higher authorities. The study that specifically deals with sewage was considered a valuable work and has served as a great help and a profitable lesson for the subsequent works. It is published in a booklet of 95 pages. The realization of these important improvements, which constitute the main basis of public hygiene, has continued, as demanded by the merits of our land as a privileged health resort. The recent municipal administrations have devoted the most careful attention to this important and momentous subject, to the general applause of all the citizens.
The articles Water Supply and Levadas provide some essential clarifications on this subject.