

A populated area in the parish of Santo António do Funchal, where there is a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Preces, built in 1768 and in 1770, was administered and perhaps founded by Captain Rodrigo da Costa, having been rebuilt in 1856 by its owner D. Joana de Albuquerque e França.

People mentioned in this article

D. Joana de Albuquerque e França
Owner responsible for the rebuilding of the chapel in 1856.
Rodrigo da Costa
Administrator and perhaps founder of the chapel of Our Lady of Preces in 1770.

Years mentioned in this article

Year of construction of the chapel of Our Lady of Preces.
Year in which Rodrigo da Costa was the administrator and perhaps founder of the chapel.

Locations mentioned in this article

Santo António do Funchal
Parish where the populated area of Preces is located.