
Ponta do Tristão

It is located in the parish of Porto do Moniz and a short distance from Santa Maria Madalena. On both sides of it, there are some beaches with large pebbles, which are very poor landing places.

Ponta do Tristão constituted one of the boundaries of the division of the two captaincies of Funchal and Machico, as we have already mentioned elsewhere (1-244).

Both the point and the nearby Tristão stream, which separates the parish of Porto Moniz from the parish of Achadas, have only recently been explored from a botanical point of view, where the naturalist J. Gonçalves da Costa found the Beta vulgaris var. maritima, the Ononis Costae, the Carex pendula, the Carex elata, the Allium vineale, the Polypodium drepanum, etc. etc..

People mentioned in this article

J. Gonçalves da Costa

Locations mentioned in this article

Parish of Achadas
Ponta do Tristão
Parish of Porto do Moniz
Porto Moniz
Parish of Porto Moniz
Santa Maria Madalena
Short distance