
Ponta Delgada (Point and Ports of) / Ponta Delgada (Ponta e Portos de)

In this parish, there is a protrusion of the coastline called Ponta Delgada. In its closest vicinity, there is a small port and a limited beach, which serve this parish and those of Boaventura and Arco de São Jorge. In 1908, a short ramp was built there, providing access to a small beach to facilitate the transport of goods. There is also a small, not very extensive beach at a place called Passo da Areia.

Years mentioned in this article

Construction of the short ramp to facilitate the transport of goods

Locations mentioned in this article

Arco de São Jorge
Nearby parish
Nearby parish
Passo da Areia
Location with a not very extensive beach
Ponta Delgada
Coastal protrusion