Plantas da Cidade
In the Funchal Bay published by Captain Vidal in 1843, the plan of Funchal at that time is shown, and the map of Madeira, by William Johnston, published in 1775, has an annex with a small-scale plan of the city, drawn by Captain Skinner. The first of these works served as the basis for all the charts of Funchal, subsequently published in various foreign works related to Madeira.
On April 2, 1893, the City Council opened a 60-day tender for the surveying of the city plan, and these works were awarded to the Engineering Office, which included the engineers Carlos Roma Machado de Faria and Maia and Adriano Augusto Trigo. The plan was completed in 1895 and cost the Municipality about 9 contos de réis, an amount that was paid in full on May 16 of the same year.
The city plan drawings are kept in an iron safe, acquired by the City Council for this purpose.
On September 6, 1897, the City Council decided to acquire a reduced version of the aforementioned plan for 700$000 réis, made by the engineer C. Roma and Maia, with a copy of this reduction being sent shortly afterwards to the engineers of the Directorate of Public Works of the District, who were then responsible for the studies of water and sewage canalization in the city, with the original being archived in the relevant municipal department.
After that, other copies were made of the reduced plan, with one of them, or its original, serving as the basis for the Panoramic Guide of Madeira, published years ago by Dr. Luís Rodrigues Gaspar and Francisco Bento de Gouveia, and the City plan of Funchal containing all the improvements made until 1911, prepared by the engineers Adriano A. Trigo and Anibal A. Trigo.