

In 1566, a certain Gonçalo Pires lived in Funchal, who held the position of clerk of the accounts, and in 1471, Diogo Pires and Francisco Pires had residence here. It is possible that these three individuals brought the family name Pires to Madeira.

People mentioned in this article

Diogo Pires
Had residence in Funchal in 1471
Francisco Pires
Had residence in Funchal in 1471
Gonçalo Pires
Lived in Funchal in 1566 and held the position of clerk of the accounts

Years mentioned in this article

Residence of Diogo Pires and Francisco Pires in Funchal
Residence of Gonçalo Pires in Funchal

Locations mentioned in this article

Location where Gonçalo Pires, Diogo Pires, and Francisco Pires lived