
Paoli (Dr. Guido)

He is the inspector of plant diseases and director of the Regional Phytopathology Observatory of Liguria. He was in Funchal from March 6 to 17, 1922, commissioned by the Italian government to study and collect Aspidiotiphagus lounsburyi; a small hymenopteran that is a parasite of Chrysomphalus dictyospermi; a scale insect that lives on various plant species and has caused great devastation in the orange groves of Italy. He has published several works referring to what he saw and studied during his short stay in Funchal.

People mentioned in this article

Dr. Guido Paoli
Inspector of plant diseases and director of the Regional Phytopathology Observatory of Liguria

Years mentioned in this article

Dr. Guido Paoli's stay in Funchal