

The first individual of this surname mentioned in Madeiran chronicles was called Fernão Nunes, and he lived in Gaula, having married Helena de Góis, daughter of Lançarote Teixeira, the fourth son of Tristão Vaz, the first lord of Machico. In the first quarter of the 16th century, there lived in Porto Santo a Bartolomeu Nunes, who was the father of the false prophet Fernão Nunes, whom we will discuss elsewhere in this Elucidário.

People mentioned in this article

Bartolomeu Nunes
Individual who lived in Porto Santo
Fernão Nunes
Individual mentioned in Madeiran chronicles
Helena de Góis
Wife of Fernão Nunes
Lançarote Teixeira
Father of Helena de Góis
Tristão Vaz
First lord of Machico

Years mentioned in this article

Século XVI
Time when Bartolomeu Nunes lived

Locations mentioned in this article

Residence of Fernão Nunes
Porto Santo
Residence of Bartolomeu Nunes