
Nascentes e Poentes no Funchal

From the annual publication prepared and edited by the 'Junta Autónoma dos Portos do Arquipélago da Madeira', we transcribe the table of the sunrise and sunset in Funchal for the current year of 1944. Although this note does not constitute a permanent indication, it is of particular interest due to its close approximation to reality, and can provide a valuable service to those who wish to consult it. When it is not easy to obtain a calculation formulated with all mathematical accuracy, it is often advantageous to obtain a notion that, as far as possible, approximates the truth.

Here is the table, calculated every ten days:

Months Days Sunrise Sunset h m h m January 1 7.08 17.14 11 7.09 17.22 21 7.08 17.31 31 7.03 17.40 10 6.55 17.50 February 20 6.48 17.57 1 6.35 18.06 March 11 6.24 18.13 21 6.10 18.21 31 5.58 18.27 April 10 5.45 18.34 20 5.33 18.42 30 5.23 18.48 May 10 5.14 18.55 20 5.07 19.02 30 5.04 19.08 June 9 5.01 19.13 19 5.02 19.16 29 5.04 19.18 July 9 5.09 19.16 19 5.15 19.13 29 5.21 19.06 August 8 5.28 18.58 18 5.35 18.48 28 5.40 18.37 September 7 5.47 18.24 17 5.53 18.11 27 5.59 18.58 October 7 6.06 17.45 17 6.12 17.33 27 6.20 17.22 November 6 6.29 17.14 16 6.37 17.07 26 6.47 17.03 December 6 6.55 17.03 16 7.02 17.05 26 7.06 17.10

Years mentioned in this article

Year of publication

Locations mentioned in this article

Capital of Madeira