Mónaco (Príncipe de)
Prince Albert of Monaco, born in 1848 and deceased in June 1922, visited the seas of Madeira in 1879, 1888, 1901, 1904, 1911, 1912, and in other years, either aboard the Hirondelle or the Princesa Alice, making valuable collections for the study of the hydrobiology of this part of the Atlantic on all these occasions. In March 1888, he visited Deserta Grande, which he discusses in his book La Carrière d'un navigateur, with the chapter referring to that island being translated by Mr. Alberto Sarmento and published in Heraldo da Madeira. In the Bulletin of the Zoological Society of France (1892), a work titled Orthoptères provenant des voyages de S. A. le prince de Monaco dans les archipels de Madère et des Açores was published, and in the Bulletin of the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco (1914), there is a work by L. Gain, entitled Algues provenant des Campagnes de l'Hirondelle II(1911-1912).