

In the early 16th century, there was a Bartolomeu Malheiro living in Madeira, who donated land for the construction of a new hospital (see 'Saudades', page 645), but the present Malheiro family, represented in Funchal by Dr. José Maria Malheiro (1921), an enlightened administrative auditor of the district, descends from Paulo Malheiro de Melo, a native of Viana do Castelo, who settled on this island in the 18th century. In the first quarter of the 19th century, there was the commercial house of Paulo Malheiro de Melo & Filhos in Funchal, and the Malheiro family was considered of noble origin.

People mentioned in this article

Bartolomeu Malheiro
Lived in Madeira in the 16th century, donated land for the construction of a new hospital
José Maria Malheiro
Enlightened administrative auditor of the district, representative of the Malheiro family in Funchal
Paulo Malheiro de Melo
Native of Viana do Castelo, settled in Madeira in the 18th century

Years mentioned in this article

Birth of José Maria Malheiro