
Loureiro (Adolfo)

This distinguished engineer came to Madeira in 1898, sent by the central government to study the adaptation of the hydraulic system created for the Kingdom's mainland by the decree of December 1, 1892, to this archipelago. He stayed for several months on this island and presented to the Government an extensive report on the work he carried out. In Lisbon, at the Association of Civil Engineers, he gave an interesting lecture on the Madeiran archipelago, which is published under the title Brief News about the archipelagos of Madeira, the Azores, Cape Verde, and the Canaries. In his extensive work entitled The Maritime Ports of Portugal, he devotes the 5th volume to the ports of Madeira. The 5th volume of the Atlas, which completes the work, contains 16 plates, all related to this archipelago.

Engineer Adolfo Loureiro died in Lisbon on November 23, 1911.

People mentioned in this article

Adolfo Loureiro

Years mentioned in this article

Sent by the central government to Madeira to study the adaptation of the hydraulic system