
Lombo dos Reis

A populated site in the parish of Estreito da Calheta, where the chapel of the Magi is located, founded by Francisco Homem de Gouveia around the year 1529, who made it the seat of the morgadio he established and which was later incorporated into the house of the island of Porto Santo's donataries. Also in the same place is the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Deliverance, built by D. Inácia Betencourt Perestrelo in the year 1860.

People mentioned in this article

D. Inácia Betencourt Perestrelo
Founder of the chapel of Our Lady of Deliverance
Francisco Homem de Gouveia
Founder of the chapel of the Magi

Years mentioned in this article

Foundation of the chapel of the Magi
Construction of the chapel of Our Lady of Deliverance

Locations mentioned in this article

Estreito da Calheta
Locality in the Madeira Island
Porto Santo
Island belonging to the Madeira archipelago