
Kny (Dr. Leopoldo) / Kny (

Dr. Leopoldo Kny was a German botanist who collected plants in Madeira during the year 1860. The mosses he collected and considered new to science were described by the bryologist A. Juratzka (see this name). Ref.: Ueber die Flora Oceanischer Inseln (Zeitschr der Gesellsch. fur Erdkunde, 1867).

People mentioned in this article

A. Juratzka
Bryologist responsible for describing the mosses collected by Kny.
Dr. Leopoldo Kny
German botanist responsible for collecting plants in Madeira.

Years mentioned in this article

Year in which the German botanist collected plants in Madeira.
Publication of the work Ueber die Flora Oceanischer Inseln.

Locations mentioned in this article

Island where the German botanist collected plants.