Jesus (Fr. Rafael de)
He was born in 1614 and died in 1693. Despite his shortcomings as a writer and historian, he was renowned in his time and wrote, among others, a work of interest to the history of this archipelago, of which two editions were made. The 1st edition is titled:
Castrioto Lusitano. Entrepresa e restauração de Pernambuco e das capitanias confinantes. Vários e bellicos successos entre portuguezes e belgas, acontecidos pelo decurso de 24 anos, tirados de noticias, relações e memórias certas. Oferecidos a João Fernandes Vieira
, Castrioto Lusitano; Lisbon, 1679. It describes the life and heroic deeds of the illustrious Madeiran João Fernandes Vieira, whom we have already discussed in this