
Alves Martins (Padre Luiz)

He was born in Cardigos, Mação municipality, on December 23, 1873, and came to Madeira in 1905 as chaplain of the 27th Infantry Regiment. In 1908, he was appointed royal preacher.

The following publications are attributed to him: A Bandeira Portuguesa, Funchal, 1907; Oração Fúnebre nas Exéquias de Hintze Ribeiro, Funchal, 1907; and Brevi vivens tempore discurso fúnebre nas exéquias d'El-Rei D. Carlos e Príncipe Real D. Luiz Filipe, Funchal, 1908.

People mentioned in this article

Luiz Alves Martins

Years mentioned in this article

Arrival in Madeira as chaplain of the 27th Infantry Regiment
Appointment as royal preacher