
Jasmine Trees / Jasmineiros

There are several species of the genus Jasminum in Madeira, two of which – J. odoratissimum and J. azoricum, are indigenous. The first of these Oleaceae, which generally has 3-foliate leaves and yellow flowers, is found in S. Gonçalo, Caniço, etc.; the second, which also has 3-foliate leaves, but with larger leaflets, and white flowers, has only been found in the vicinity of Serra de Água. The J. grandiflorum from Malabar, and the J. revolutum from India, are cultivated in gardens, the former having white flowers, and the latter yellow flowers. The Trachelospermum jasminoides is also known in Madeira by the name Jasmine Tree, although it belongs to the Apocynaceae family.

Locations mentioned in this article

Location in Madeira
S. Gonçalo
Location in Madeira
Serra de Água
Location in Madeira