
Military Insubordinations / Insubordinações Militares

We only have knowledge of the following insubordinations that occurred on the island of Madeira: in July 1829, in the 13th infantry regiment, because an officer who was a stranger to the corporation was appointed as interim commander; on July 30, 1852, in the 6th hunters battalion, when Lieutenant Lapierre was killed; and on August 2, 1870, in the 5th hunters battalion, following a weapons inspection. Military Garrison and Lapierre.

People mentioned in this article

Lieutenant killed during the military insubordination

Years mentioned in this article

Insubordination in the 13th infantry regiment
Insubordination in the 6th hunters battalion
Insubordination in the 5th hunters battalion

Locations mentioned in this article

Location of the military insubordinations