
Freitas (Jordão Apolinario de)

He was born in this city on July 23, 1866, the son of Luiz M. de Freitas and D. Ana Fortunata de Sousa e Freitas. After completing the theological course at the Seminary of this diocese, he attended the Medical-Surgical School of Funchal. He has been a resident of Lisbon for many years, where he currently (1921) holds the position of director of the public library of Ajuda, having previously been the librarian of the Geographical Society. He has dedicated himself especially to historical research and has already accumulated a wealth of literary works and pamphlets, in addition to his collaboration in various magazines and newspapers.

He has published: Contributions to the Portuguese bibliography related to the study of the Japanese language and to the biography of Fernâo Mendes Pinto, 1905; Fernâo Mendes Pinto and his last trip to China, 1905; The Inquisition in Goa, 1907; The 2nd Viscount of Santarém and his geographical atlases, 1909; Royal Chapel at the Patriarchal Church in Ajuda, 1909; The Marquis of Pombal, 1910; Francisco Moraes, the "Palmeirim", 1910; When Madeira was discovered, 1911; Camões in Macau, 1911; Where was the 2nd Viscount of Santarém born? ,1913; The Shipwreck of Camões and the Lusiads, 1915; The movable type press in Macau and Japan at the end of the 16th century, 1916; Cervantes and Argensola, 1916; The Marquis of Pombal and the Holy Office of the Inquisition, 1916; Dom Bento de Camões and the Prince of Lusitanian poets, 1917, among other works. He was the compiler and annotator and wrote the prologue to the works of the Viscount of Santarém Opúsculos and Esparsos, 2 volumes, and Inéditos, 1 volume.

People mentioned in this article

Pinto, Fernâo Mendes
Santarém, 2nd Viscount of
Viscount and author.

Years mentioned in this article

Reference year.

Locations mentioned in this article

Place of residence.