
França (Dr. Carlos)

A military doctor and distinguished bacteriologist, sent by the government to Madeira during the cholera epidemic of 1910. He rendered very important services to the island in the direction of sanitary services during the epidemic, always demonstrating an uncommon professional competence and great selflessness in performing the various services under his charge.

In honor of Dr. Carlos França, a solemn session was held at the Town Hall on March 5, 1911, where the president of the Chamber offered him an elegant silver cup finely ornamented and a folder with allegorical inlays of indigenous woods, inside which was the message read by the same president at the said session.

Dr. Carlos França's wife attended this celebration and was offered a beautiful basket of natural flowers by the Chamber, adorned with ribbons in the national colors.

Regarding Madeira, Dr. França wrote the following works: A Epidemia colérica da Madeira, 1910-1911, a report presented to the Ministry of the Interior, Lisbon, 1911, of 91 pages, Le Cholera à Madère (Bullet. de la Soc. de Pathologie Exotique, vol. IV, 1911); and Contribution à l'étude du Lapin de Porto Santo (Bullet. de la Soc. Port. de Sc. Natur, VI, 1913).

People mentioned in this article

Dr. Carlos França
Military doctor and bacteriologist

Years mentioned in this article

Dr. Carlos França was sent by the government to Madeira during the cholera epidemic
Dr. Carlos França wrote A Epidemia colérica da Madeira, 1910-1911