
Flores da Madeira

Dr. José Leite Monteiro and Canon Alfredo César de Oliveira (See these names) published in 1871 and 1872 two volumes of 210 and 190 pages, in which they collected about a hundred poems by contemporary Madeiran poets, titled Flores da Madeira. This collection, which is a valuable element for the study of our literature, received the most laudatory references from the eminent publicist Teofilo Braga in an article that was transcribed in issue no. 5 of the newspaper A lâmpada, published in this city in 1872.

Florosa. In Ribeira Brava and in other parishes, this name is given to the papinho.

People mentioned in this article

Canon Alfredo César de Oliveira
Dr. José Leite Monteiro

Years mentioned in this article

Publication of the first volume of Flores da Madeira
Publication of the second volume of Flores da Madeira

Locations mentioned in this article

Ribeira Brava
Ribeira Brava