Statutes / Estatutos
As a subsidy for a bibliographic study of Madeira and also as a continuation of the elements provided by the articles Bibliography and Speeches, we give here a quick overview of some bibliographic species concerning statutes, commitments, regulations, etc. of which we managed to obtain knowledge, although we consider the review we present here as very incomplete:
Regulation of the Royal Hospital of Santa Isabel in the city of Funchal... being the administrator... D. Fr. Joaquim de Menezes e Athaide, Lisbon, 1819, 60 pages;
Statutes and Regulations of the Funchal Society of Friends of Sciences and Arts, Funchal, 1822, 23 pages;
Commitment (of the Confraternity of N. Senhora da Graça, patron of the Parish Church of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos... Lisbon, 1829, 12 pages;
regulation of the National and Royal Hospital of Santa Isabel in the city of Funchal... Funchal, 1840, 16 pages;
Statutes of the Madeiran Agricultural Society, Funchal, 1850, 8 pages;
Statutes of the Club União Society, Madeira, 1854, 32 pages;
Statutes of the Club-Economic Society, Funchal, 1856, 12 pages;
Statutes of the Recreational Club, Madeira, 1856, 22 pages;
Statutes of the Congregation of Our Lady of Solitude, Funchal, 1857, 16 pages;
Statutes of the Hope Society in Funchal, Madeira Island, Funchal, 1861;
Statutes of the Charity Association of Funchal, Madeira, 1862, 25 pages;
Statutes of the Humanitarian Society of Funchal, Funchal, 1863, 25 pages;
Statutes of the Charity Association of Funchal, Madeira, 1872, 28 pages;
Statutes of the Funchal Club Society, Funchal, 1872;
Statutes of the Catholic Association of Funchal, Funchal, 1874, 17 pages;
Statutes of the Commercial Bank of Madeira, Porto, 1875, 25 pages;
Statutes of the Cooperative Society of Consumption and Credit of Funchal, Funchal, 1875, XI-49 pages;
Statutes of the Catholic Association of Funchal with the Regulation for the execution of articles 4th and 48th, Funchal, 1876, 23 pages;
Statutes of the Funchal Club, Funchal, 1877, 20 pages;
Statutes of the Madeiran Insurance Company, Funchal, 1877, 16 pages;
Statutes of the Madeiran Association for the Promotion of Public Good and Mutual Aid, Funchal, 1878, 12 pages;
Statutes of the Charity Association of Funchal, Madeira, 1879, 36 pages;
Statutes of the Club-União Society of Funchal, Funchal, 1879, 21 pages;
Statutes of the Club-Restoration Society of Funchal, Funchal, 1879, 21 pages;
Statutes of the Confraternity of S. Paulo erected in the chapel of the same name... Funchal, 1880, 14 pages;
Statutes of the Congregation of Our Lady of Solitude, 1887, 15 pages; Statutes of the Madeira Musical Recreation Society, 1888, 26 pages;
Statutes of the Commercial Association of Funchal, Madeira, 1888, 15 pages;
Statutes of the Mutual Aid Society called the Charity Association of Funchal, Funchal, 1888, 31 pages;
Statutes of the Protectorate Association of the Poor, Madeira, 1889, 15 pages .;
Commitment of the Confraternity of Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo established in the church of the same name... Funchal, 1890, 23 pages;
Statutes of the Philanthropic Association of Funchal Students, Funchal, 1892, 15 pages;
Statutes of the Cooperative Society of the officials of the 12th Hunters Regiment, Funchal, 1892, 15 pages;
These are the statutes of various associations and confraternities of Funchal and other locations, including the number of pages of each document. The statutes cover a period from 1855 to 1913 and reflect the diversity of organizations and societies present in the region.