Escola Primaria Superior
The decree of May 10, 1919 extinguished, or rather transformed, the Normal School of this city into the Higher Primary School. The teachers of the Normal School became part of the teaching staff of the new educational institution, with eight more teachers completing the staff, as follows: Pedro José Lomelino, director, Constantino Silvano Pereira, Francisco Augusto da Silva, Manuel José Varela, Jordão Mauricio Henriques, Adolfo de Sousa Brasão, Jorge Silvio Pelico de Oliveira Neto, Francisco dos Anjos França, Domingos dos Reis Costa, Manuel José da Fonseca, D. Maria Clara do Monte Falco Brito Figueiroa, and D. Maria Julieta de Brito Figueiroa. The new school began operating in October 1919. It was abolished by the decree of June 15, 1926.