Duarte (D.)
"In the year 1516, as stated by Gaspar Frutuoso, because he (the first Bishop of Funchal D. Diogo Pinheiro) was occupied in the service of the King as a palace judge and involved in the affairs of the King and the Kingdom, he sent a bishop to the city of Funchal, named D. Duarte, who, as he could not come, confirmed and ordained and regulated the See, and performed other duties befitting his office and position, and consecrated the See of the city of Funchal, on the day of São Lucas, 18th of October, with great solemnity, and blessed one of the bells that were placed in the tower of the same, and did other very necessary things." D. Duarte came to Madeira two years after the creation of this diocese, and previously, in 1508, the Order of Christ sent to this island the bishop D. João Lobo.